
Mandelbrot and Julia sets C program

I find that Mandelbrot and Julia sets are one of the more artistic results of mathematics. I made a fast C program with an assembler function which computes the points of a set. It runs on ix86 or compatible processor, using the stack of the floating point unit. As the polynomial variables are all stored in the FPU stack, without I/O to RAM, the computation is very fast.


Download the code of mj, the program to calculate the sets, and mj2ppm, the program to colorize the raw data output of mj, and make a ppm image file: mj.tar.gz

How to use it

For Mandelbrot set:

$ ./mj N_of_horizontal_points(unsigned int) N_of_vertical_points(unsigned int)
N_of_maximum_iterations(unsigned int) Squared_radius_of_divergence(double)
X(double) Y(double) Side_length(double) > raw.file

For Julia set:

$ ./mj N_of_horizontal_points(unsigned int) N_of_vertical_points(unsigned int)
N_of_maximum_iterations(unsigned int) Squared_radius_of_divergence(double)
X(double) Y(double) Side_length(double) X_origin(double) Y_origin(double)
> raw.file

To convert raw data into ppm file:

$ ./mj2ppm N_of_min_treshold(int) < raw.file > output.ppm


$ ./mj  200 100 500 500.0 -1.5 1.0 2.0 | ./mj2ppm 5 > out.ppm

Will give this result:

Mandelbrot set

Here comes the main function code of mj

  mj 3.5.2  Copyright (C) 2007 Marco Bisetto < marco [at] folgorante.net>
  This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
  This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
  under certain conditions;

  Released under the terms of GNU GPLv3.

static inline unsigned int punto(struct mjpt ss)
  unsigned int n;
  asm ("\tfninit\n");

  asm (
       "fld %%st(1)\n\t"
       "fmul %%st(0)\n\t"
       "fld %%st(1)\n\t"
       "fmul %%st(0)\n\t"
       "movl $0,%%ecx\n"
       "fsubrp %%st,%%st(1)\n\t"
       "fadd %%st(3)\n\t"
       "fxch %%st(2)\n\t"
       "fmulp %%st,%%st(1)\n\t"
       "fadd %%st(0)\n\t"
       "fadd %%st(3)\n\t"
       "fld %%st(1)\n\t"
       "fmul %%st(0)\n\t"
       "fld %%st(1)\n\t"
       "fmul %%st(0)\n\t"
       "fld %%st(0)\n\t"
       "fadd %%st(2)\n\t"
       "fcomp %%st(7)\n\t"
       "fnstsw %%ax\n\t"
       "and $0x41, %%ah\n\t"
       "jz esci\n\t"
       "incl %%ecx\n\t"
       "cmpl %%ebx,%%ecx\n\t"
       "jb ritor\n"
       : "=c" (n)
       : "b" (ss.ma), "f" (ss.mam2), "f" (ss.yc), "f" (ss.xc),
         "f" (ss.xi), "f" (ss.yi)
       : "%eax"

  asm ("\tfinit\n");
  return n;